Heirloom tomato on lime green plate, July 2024.
Heirloom tomato on lime green plate, July 2024.
Jack the First at the flat on Guerrero, 1991.
For today’s #throwbackThursday a comparison of the illustration scans done for the same story in 2020 and this year. I like the possibilities that the brush gives me but also I think I see some progress in learning ink and that’s always a nice thing to notice.
#ThrowbackThursday to one of my favourite picture for a unique plushie!
I don’t draw or make dogs nearly enough, I think I get overwhelmed by the amount of breeds that exist and how different they look from one another.
But someone suggested a Labrador and I had so much fun making him! I’m still really proud of the simple and efficient shapes I used!
And when I went to take pictures of it and saw this “no dogs allowed” sign, I couldn’t resist!
Me when I joined Mastodon about three and a half years ago. #ThrowbackThursday
For #ThrowBackThursday here's my wife's nan, somewhen in the 1980s, and if I had to guess then I'd say that drink played a part ahead of taking this picture of her.
It's Thursday! These hashtags have recently been trending each Thursday.
A dahlia from my daughter's garden last fall for #ThrowbackThursday
I had no sunset tonight, only overcast sky.
Summer and I still wandered out to the deck because that's how we start to wind down our day together.
We chat for a bit before dinner everyday.
I asked her what she thought I should do, because my husband has three new prescriptions and he is balking at one of them. The pill tastes really bad according to him. If I try to help he says I wouldn't believe how bad it tastes.
Summer thought about my dilemma, and said she has heard that humans can be tricked into taking pills by rolling them up in peanut butter, and pretending it's a treat. I said that sounded pretty sketchy, but we could give it a try.
Low and behold it worked.
Summer looks smugly innocent.
#ThrowbackThursday to March 2015, when a storm fizzled out before reaching the coast, and rained down over the ocean just around sunset...
Photographed from a spot called Hidden Beach at Sunset Cliffs.
Decided I didn't like my earlier post for #ThrowbackThursday so I deleted it. It happens.
Anyway, here is a picture from 2012, when I went outside.
My Japanese magnolia is just budding now because it was a rather cool February. So #ThrowbackThursday from three years ago today. Drake wasn't with the flowers but makes an appearance from Deer Lick Park, GA.
From August 2024: A look at non-white versions of classic cartoon characters, and why this matters.
Again, I inagine if Elon Musk had his way, non-white cartoon characters wouldn't exist (or only as sidekicks/best friends of starring white characters, or as stereotypes).
Throwback Thursday!
In 1944, the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor to the CIA) put out this sabotage manual for civilians living in Europe under Nazi occupation. This manual was only de-classified in 2008.
It's an important piece of anti-fascist history, offering a fascinating look at what everyday, average citizens were being asked to do to resist fascist rule and work towards liberation.
PDF of the manual:
(more readable) HTMl version of the manual:
#throwback #throwbackthursday, #oss, #cia, #antifascism, #history, #europe, #liberation, #sabotage